De Kubbe initiated a review of its electrical infrastructure back in 2018. De Kubbe has been a national and international household name in storage, transshipment and potato and onion processing for more than 30 years. The arable farming specialist has since completed installation of all-new electrical infrastructure which, for additional sustainability, includes an investment in around 2,200 solar panels. These solar panels have been distributed across a number of buildings around the terrain.
600,000 KwH energy per year
Commissioned by De Kubbe, Trusteel Energy installed a total of 2,200 Axitec solar panels over three roofs. These modern-design solar panels are widely known for their high efficiency. They are in turn connected to nine SMA inverters, which increase the efficiency of solar panels by as much as 20 per cent on average. The system has the capacity to generate more than 600,000 kWh of electricity annually.