At Nauta Heeg, we highly value the well-being of our employees. A safe and healthy working environment contributes not only to their well-being, but to the efficiency and quality of our work as well. Our safety day covered numerous aspects of safety and working conditions in the workplace.

Workshops dealt with topics such as ‘the dangers of welding fumes’ and ‘ergonomics in the office’, where we discussed long-term risks to health. Our ‘resuscitation and use of AEDs’ workshop taught participants how to recognise a cardiac arrest and how to perform the resuscitation procedure. Other workshops included ‘safe hoisting’ and ‘working at height’, which looked at the correct use of tools and equipment.

We’re glad to be able to look back on such a successful safety day! By taking a conscious approach to safety guidelines and working conditions, we strive to create a working environment in which our employees can work safely and enjoyably.